Choosing a Bicycle

black road bike

Top Tips for Choosing a Bicycle

Cycling is a really good way to exercise, while getting outdoors and spending your leisure time with family or friends. So why don’t more people get on their bikes these days, particulary when lockdown can give you more opportunities to get out there? A lot of the time, people can be put off because they don’t know which bicycle to choose. Here are some great tips.

Don’t just pick out the first bike that you like the look of. Think carefully about what you actually need from a bicycle:

1. What type of place will you mainly ride your bike? There are many types of bicycles, such as road bikes, mountain bikes and so on. Where and when you plan to cycle will help you to decide the best type of bicycle for you.

2. How tall are you? Buying a bicycle that suits your height is important, so that you are not hitting the crossbar all the time or cramped with restricted leg room. You want to feel comfortable and be able to cycle – and stop – safely.

3. Consider borrowing a bicyle from a friend or relative, when you first take up cycling, so that you can find out what works best for you. You’ll be surprised how many people have one in the garage that they don’t use!

4. Buy the best bicycle that you can. You only get what you pay for, so buy a good quality bicycle, even if it is a little more expensive, and you’ll reap the benefits, in terms of safety, comfort and enjoyment, and it’s likely to last longer too.

5. Get expert advice from a bike shop. The people who sell bicycles for a living should be able to answer all your questions and make sure that you get the perfect machine for you!

Types of Bicycles

For the modern cyclist, there are many different types of bicycles to choose from.

A bicycle is so much more than just two wheels, a seat, and some metal bars! Different bikes are built for different terrains and different riding styles. Before you buy your new cycle, be sure to select the one that suits you and the type of cycling that you’re planning to do.

Mountain Bikes – this type of bicycle is used in wooded and hilly areas and is suitable for rough terrain with rocks, gravel and boulders. A mountain bike has wide wheels, with a deeper tread to help with grip on different surfaces. They also tend to have straight handlebars, rather than the curved ones on a road bike, to improve control on tough terrain.

Road Bikes – these bikes are the choice for speed and maneuverability on good road surfaces. They are built with good aerodynamics, thinner wheels and smoother tyres than those on mountain bikes. Since road bikes are commonly used in road races, they have narrow seats that help prevent the rider from slipping. The road bike often has a lightweight frame and construction, which helps with cycling at higher speeds.

Hybrid Bikes – for those just starting out with cycling, a hybrid may be the perfect type of bicycle. A cross between a mountain bike and a road bike, this can give the beginner the best of both worlds, allowing for both durability and weight support. The handlebars of hybrid bikes are usually straight and this design allows for more comfort than the out and out road bike.

Cruising Bikes – these are usually found around town and in holiday locations, often as rental bikes. They give you a great way to spend time outdoors, exploring at a relaxing pace. Built for comfort, these bikes typically have wide seats which makes cycling more enjoyable, with a heavy frame which helps stability.

Anatomy of a Bicycle

It can always be useful to understand how things work. While all bicycles basically work the same way, their parts can differ slightly, and some basic knowledge will be really helpful to you.

The frame is the main component of the bicycle, which joins together the other parts. The frame is normally of a one piece tubular construction.

The handlebars, at the front of the bicycle, always used to be curved, which was thought to make the bike more aerodynamic. Today handlebars tend to be straighter, for better posture and confort. They fit into the front part of the frame – the head tube.

Bicycle seats come in many different shapes and sizes. The seat is mounted on a stem that fits inside the seat tube of the bike frame. This stem usually provides for height adjustment.

A bicycle has two wheels and the diameter, width and design of these varies, depending on the type of bike. The wheel is covered by an outer rubber tire with an inner inflatable tube inside it.

The pedals attach to the bottom bracket of the bike frame. The pedals are attached to the rear wheel by a chain, usually with adjustable gears. Some bicycles have pedal clips, to help to keep your feet from slipping as you cycle.

A series of cables run all along the bike frame, from the handlebars to the brakes and the gears. Levers on the handlebars are used to apply your brakes and change gears.

These are just some basics. As you develop your cycling skills, it will be a good idea to learn more about how the various parts work, and how to maintain your bike to keep it in good working order.

What are you waiting for? Get yourself a good bike and get out there. You will thank yourself that you did!

Find out more about the benefits of Cycling for Better Health


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