Ten top tips for more positive thinking

power of positive thinking

Positive thinking is a very popular theme these days and has received plenty of press and media coverage, with many books and articles on the subject widely available.

In the modern world, people can feel overwhelmed and frustrated because there is so much going on, and the challenges often seem to be coming faster than they can be dealt with. This can lead to negative thoughts which in turn makes it even harder to deal with the issues that are being faced.

Positive thinking can help you to focus on what you are able to do, rather than what you can’t do, which can free you up to make steady progress rather than feeling overwhelmed and stuck. Here are ten ideas that you can consider in order to feel better about yourself and start taking control:

1. Take Care of Yourself

Make sure that you are eating a healthy diet, taking some regular exercise and getting enough sleep. Paying attention to improving each of these three areas of your life will provide you with great overall benefits and make it much easier for you to think positively.

2. Practice Gratitude

Take a little time each day to remind yourself of the things that you are grateful for. A really good way to do this is to journal it – pick up a pen and paper and write down three things that you appreciate. These can be the simplest little things, but doing this can make a huge difference.

3. Stop Making Assumptions

Don’t waste your time in assuming that other people are always thinking the worst of you. Stop worrying that you have done something to upset them. Don’t get angry because someone didn’t behave in the way that you thought they should. If you want something from someone, ask for it. If you have fears about what people are thinking, have an honest conversation with them to get things straight.

4. Avoid Absolutes

When you’re having a conversation with a partner, friend or family member and things are getting difficult, stay away from accusations like “You always do this!” or “You never do that!”. These absolutes make things seem worse than they are, and make it more difficult to reach compromise and agreement with people. (This also applies to your self talk!)

5. Step Back from Negative Thoughts

If you find yourself experiencing a negative thought, detach from it. Take a step back. Observe the thought for what it is, recognise where it came from, and then let it go.

6. Watch Your Reactions

If you see someone laughing and think they must be laughing at you… If the boss wants to talk to you and you think you must be going to get fired… If someone is five minutes late and you think they’re not coming… STOP! Automatically thinking the worst is going to happen can lead you into a cycle of ever more negative thinking. Keep an open mind and prepare for all possibilities.

7. Be Touchy

Having a hug, touching someone’s arm while you are talking to them, even shaking hands. These may all seem like distant memories if you’re stuck in a pandemic lockdown, but even stroking a pet can have huge positive benefits for you!

8. Be Social

Studies have regularly shown the positive benefits of spending time with other people, and the negative effects of loneliness. Try to be around happy, healthy people as much as possible and their energy will give you a boost.

9. Be Helpful

Being helpful to others makes you feel good yourself. Volunteer your time, help someone out, donate to a good cause. You’ll feel better for it!

10. Switch the Channel

If you find yourself ruminating, or stuck in a pattern of negative thoughts, then break out of it. Change where you are, go for a walk, or go and sit outside. Read a book, play some music or call up a friend. Anything to get you onto a different track.

Hopefully these quick tips help you out – if you find one that’s useful for you, focus on that and find out more about it. You’ll be taking another positive step towards Discovering Better Health for yourself and remember, every journey starts with a single step!

Some of these ideas are developed in more detail in the following books, which are well worth checking out:

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

The Power of Now

The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success

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