Improving Your Memory

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Foods and Supplements That Can Help Improve Memory

Eating the right food is a great way to improve your health, but did you know that this can also help your memory? These are some of the best foods and dietary supplements for your brain:

Sometimes seafood is referred to as ‘brain food’ as it is often rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that are found in many fish and shellfish. Research has revealed that DHA, an Omega-3 fatty acid commonly found in fish, actively improves memory and can aid brain development in young children. DHA can also help to improve memory function in adults.

Your brain is mostly water! 85% water, in fact. This means that dehydration makes it harder for your brain to work effectively. Simply by keeping well hydrated, you will keep your brain working at its best.

Blueberries are a “superfood”. They contain antioxidants that can help to reduce the risk of mental diseases like dementia and some cancers, and can aid increased memory.

These are full of anthocyanins and polyphenolics, found in the hippocampus region of your brain which stores information and plays an important part in recall.

Like blueberries, cherries also contain antioxidants, so they are really good food for your brain. Antioxidants help to remobve free radicals from your blood, allowing easier flow of blood to the brain, to keep you alert and active.

Ginger is a proven anti-inflammatory, commonly used in the treatment of various physical ailments. Reduction of inflammation in your body will also help maintain blood flow to your brain.

Gingko Biloba
Gingko biloba thins the blood, lessening the viscosity of the blood flowing through the blood vessels and leading to more efficient delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

Rosemary contains carnosic acid, which could play a role in prevention of degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimers.

More foods to improve brain health.

Exercises to Boost Memory

There are some simple physical and mental exercises that you can easily do to improve your memory and keep your mind sharp.

Any physical activity that gets your heart pumping will increase the flow of blood to the brain, boosting memory.  However, there are specific exercises that will really help get your mind working.

Exercises involving balance stimulate memory, as the mind must work to keep the body stable.

When you take in large amounts of oxygen, the blood flowing to your brain becomes more efficient. Endurance exercises, such as swimming or running, make you take in more oxygen. This means that your brain functions more efficiently and will store more information.

Doing familiar movements in a different way can also help to increase your memory. Try changing hands with sports that involve using a bat, club or racquet, or even just changing your grip. Carry out simple familiar daily tasks with your eyes closed, to keep your brain working hard.

Whether you are doing physical exercise or mental exercises such as puzzles or solving problems, your memory will benefit from the workout!

Eating healthy food and getting regular exercise have so many benefits and are an important part of Discovering Better Health!


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